CULTURAL CONUNDRUMS: Poems on Inter-ConnectednessProduct no.: HP180Matahari V. This book is about seeing the world with different lenses so that ‘different’ is not ‘alien’. The norms of the east and west sometimes bring about a clash of perceptions, create cultural conundrums. Much is lost in interpretation, much is misunderstood and walls emerge where a bridge could easily connect. Hence, we need to revisit the norm, redefine the boundary of tradition and modernity and reinvent systems that speak the common language of humanity. Once again life strives to be born in spaces where it can breathe freely. Conundrums become abstract art from which each draws his/her conclusion. Consciousness unfolds. In these writings I try to grab myself in that shaft of light which peers through misty streets of misunderstanding and pathways of conditioned collisions to fragment the centred cohesive self. I gather these pieces and bring them to you. Between the rapture of dreaming bliss and in the throes of mortal life, love becomes a longing. By dismantling fears, I reach the perennial in the ever changing landscape of a multi-dimensional reality. Like an infant looking at the infinite, beyond the prisoned womb of embodiment, I begin to understand a truth larger than myself. This is the truth of ‘one’ in everyone. “If poetry at its best allows us a glimpse into the unfamiliar, or even if it puts words around our more profound thoughts (‘What oft was thought but ne’er so well expressed’), then this compendium of verse will delight the reader. Using a wide range of images from human experience and the natural world, the poet bares her soul with freshness and energy. This is a good book for quiet reflection.” Joseph Philip Pinto, CFC, Rome, Italy “These beautifully written poems take us on an intimate journey of the soul.” Heather Kinsey, Tervuren, Belgium “Evocative. You have a way of delving deep with words” Quinten Adams, Author, Cork, Ireland “Deeply spiritual...” Mandira Ghosh, Author, New Delhi, India
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