SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Thinking it Through; Making it HappenProduct no.: HP189Bhoendradatt Tewarie The articles and speeches in this book represent a poignant collection of thoughts and ideas which address the challenge of sustainable development; a major concern of the international community at this time. The challenges posed by climate change and the innovations required to balance economic, human and environmental considerations, not to mention taking into account issues of inclusion and equity, require a change of mind-set, willingness to adapt and a disposition to adopt and customise new ways of thinking, behaving and acting to achieve more desirable results. These are some of the considerations which make sustainable development a formidable challenge; and these issues are explored in this thoughtful book. Societies unwilling or unable to adapt to meet the challenges of sustainable development will be left behind and perhaps face costly consequences. However, for those societies willing to meet the challenges head-on, there are numerous approaches that can be taken to achieve desirable outcomes. Written from the point of view of the Caribbean, small island developing states and the developing and emerging world, this collection focuses on sustainable development solutions through human imagination, innovation, collaboration, participation and engagement. Sustainable Development: Thinking it Through; Making it Happen is an important contribution to ideas, but it also shares with the reader practical approaches to make sustainable development a reality.
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